Who Wants A Vitamix?

Who Wants A Vitamix?

Spring is right around the cor­ner and it’s already begin­ning to be gor­geous out­side. A new sea­son can be a time to start fresh, re-evaluate your dreams and goals, and get on the right track… again. It’s the per­fect time to renew the vision of your health jour­ney and get set for greatness.

We want to help! Any­thing we can do to make your whole fam­ily, real-food jour­ney eas­ier and smoother, we are all about it. We want you to be able to make healthy meals and snacks to feed to your fam­ily in the most effi­cient way… and what bet­ter way to do that but with a Vitamix. 

win a vitamix

A group of fab­u­lous blog­gers have got­ten together to offer your fam­ily a Vita­mix 5200, val­ued at $449, for FREE!

We know how impor­tant car­ing for your fam­ily is to you and that it’s not always easy to get your own top of the line blender, so we have brought one to you. This tough cookie can do it all and is a sta­ple in most pro­fes­sional kitchens. Now it can be a sta­ple in your kitchen as well. 

The give­away goes from Tues­day, March 4th to Fri­day, March 14th and is for any­one, no mat­ter where you live. If you are out­side of the U.S. you will receive an ama­zon gift card for the Vitamix.

Enter to win through the raf­fle­copter below and get to know some new and excit­ing bloggers. 

a Raf­fle­copter giveaway


Dis­claimer: No pur­chase nec­es­sary. Must be 18 to enter. Void where pro­hib­ited by law. This give­away is in no way spon­sored, endorsed, or asso­ci­ated by Face­book. By enter­ing this give­away, you agree to release Face­book, Whole Fam­ily Strong and all par­tic­i­pat­ing blogs of all lia­bil­ity. Con­test ends at 12:01am EST on March 14, 2014. Win­ner is ran­domly cho­sen by Raf­fle­copter and will be emailed.

To Bless A Homemaker Christmas Giveaway!!!

To Bless A Homemaker Christmas Giveaway!!!

gvDon’t you just love your home­mak­ing hat? It brings me such joy to serve my fam­ily while I’m serv­ing din­ner and desserts and love. Hav­ing good tools in the kitchen is so impor­tant as we tackle these tasks every­day. So, with that in mind, who’s ready to win a KitchenAid mixer? It’s so easy.  Sev­eral blog­gers and small busi­ness own­ers got together to make this give­away possible.

kitchenaidYou have so many ways to enter, boost­ing your chances of win­ning. And while you are at it, lik­ing Face­book pages and sub­scrib­ing to blogs and such, be sure to take a moment to see what these ladies have on their sites, on their blogs, and maybe even say hello. I know they would appre­ci­ate it! And I sure do believe you will be abun­dantly blessed to be intro­duced to some new blogs and busi­nesses! Such a won­der­ful group of ladies.

The give­away runs this week, from Dec 9th-Dec 13th. If you win, you can keep it for your­self, or gift it to some­one you love. May the Lord bless you this Christ­mas sea­son. And may you find joy in your homemaking!

a Raf­fle­copter give­away


A Homemaker’s Christmas Giveaway Extraveganza

A Homemaker’s Christmas Giveaway Extraveganza

A Homemaker's Christmas final

Catchy title? Who’s ready to win $1000 worth of fab­u­lous items for the home­maker? Yes, one blessed per­son will win the whole she­bang! It could be you. Why not?

Jacinda over at Grow­ing Home Blog has gen­er­ously com­piled a group of busi­nesses to con­tribute to this fab­u­lous homemaker’s dream come true.

You’ll find books, DVDs, Lilla-Rose, Fruit­ful Vine Cre­ations, Bulk Herb Store, clothing…Oh, and let’s not for­get the fan­tas­tic Keurig cof­fee mak­ing con­trap­tion! I want to win! But, I don’t think I’m allowed to enter, see­ing how I am one of the spon­sors. But YOU can! Head on over to Grow­ing Home to get as many entries as you can (so many oppor­tu­ni­ties to enter!). Let me know if you entered so I can cheer you on. I would be incred­i­bly excited if one of my friends won all of those gifts! Okay, Go!

Love you all!

Gluten Free Sweet Potato Bundt Cake

Gluten Free Sweet Potato Bundt Cake

Okay, I admit it. I love Fall.

Despite the fact that it means that the warmth of sum­mer is fad­ing quickly, and snow is just around the cor­ner, I take great joy over the crisp­ness of the air, the beau­ti­fully col­ored leaves, the Pump­kin Spice Latte.

And I love it that I get to turn the oven back on and bake! We don’t have air con­di­tion­ing here in the forested moun­tains. While we don’t need it most of the time, it makes it a bit too warm to turn the oven on through­out most of the summer.

My favorite dessert to bake these days is my Sweet Potato Bundt Cake. Oh, and it’s Gluten Free! But, it is so moist and deli­cious, you can’t tell that it is! My motto is that if you have to eat gluten free, you need to enjoy it. Not exactly a catchy phrase, but it works, I sup­pose. I don’t want any of our gluten free fam­ily mem­bers to feel deprived.


Here’s the recipe for you:

Spray a bundt pan very thor­oughly with a cook­ing spray (like Pam or what­ever you use). Put rice flour in the crevices to pre­vent it from stick­ing on the way out.

Pre­heat oven to 350°F.

If using a Bosch mixer, mix with your cookie whisks:

1 cup soft­ened but­ter
2 cups maple syrup
2 cups mashed sweet pota­toes
4 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract

Then add:
3 cups  freshly ground brown rice flour {I imag­ine you can use the store bought kind if that’s what you have on hand. Haven’t tried it, but in a pinch I would.}
¼ cup tapi­oca flour
2 tsp bak­ing pow­der
1 tsp cin­na­mon
½ tsp bak­ing soda
¼ tsp salt

Pour bat­ter into a 10 inch, greased and floured bundt pan. Bake at 350°F for about 1 hour 20 min­utes, then invert on a serv­ing plate. Serve with freshly whipped cream.

This is an amaz­ingly moist and deli­cious cake. You’ll won­der where it’s been all your life. You’re welcome.

By the way, that pic­ture there at the top? We took that in Eng­land at Stour­head Gar­dens. It was pretty near to where we lived. Remem­ber that part in the 2005 ver­sion of Pride & Prej­u­dice where Mr. Darcy pro­posed to Lizzie in the rain? It hap­pened there. Here’s a lit­tle link I found that shows a lit­tle bit more about it. I haven’t spent any time on the web­site other than this one page, so I can’t vouch for any­thing else that you might find there. And you know how they say that the cam­era can’t quite cap­ture the beauty of a place. Yeah, that too. Amaz­ingly. Truly a part of God’s Mas­ter­piece of Creation!

I’ve linked up at Grow­ing Home , Cor­ner­stone Con­fes­sions & Sim­ply Help­ing Him

Pinterest and Crockpots

Pinterest and Crockpots

Have you dis­cov­ered Pin­ter­est? It’s a won­der­ful place on the inter­net that keeps all your fab­u­lous ideas and thoughts orga­nized on cyber-bulletin boards. You “pin” web pages to one of your boards based on the cat­e­gory to help you find it later when you want it. I have boards for enter­tain­ing, beau­ti­ful spaces, chalk­board vinyl…Plus about 40 other things. You can have unlim­ited pub­lic boards, plus three secret boards that nobody can see but you. At least last time I checked that’s what they had.

It can be a time sink if you let it. Or the answer to your next baby shower or din­ner party.

A friend sent me a pin the other day in an email. I was stunned. Amazed. And dreamed about it, awake and asleep, until I decided to DO some­thing about it.

I painted my crockpot.

With chalk­board paint.

Oh, yes I did!

crockpot paintedAnd now I can take food to events with­out hav­ing to worry about a label falling off or get­ting lost. Peo­ple can know right away what is inside and if it meets their dietary needs.

Isn’t it fun?

It was pretty easy, although I’m sure it can be com­pli­cated quite nicely if you like it that way.

I’m one of those gotta-get-it-done-NOW kind of peo­ple. So, I fly through projects. I taped the parts I didn’t want to paint, roughed up the tex­ture of the shiny paint a bit, and put two coats of chalk­board paint on it. Waited 24 painful hours before I used the chalk­board mark­ers on it, as sug­gested on the paint can. And there you go!

What do you think? I wish the part around the knob was a lit­tle bit more exact. I thought I taped that part well, but a lit­tle bit of paint seeped through. And the cir­cle wasn’t exact. Hard with that knob on there, and work­ing with tape that is straight. I’m sure there is a bet­ter way.

But, I wanted to share my lit­tle project with you.

Now, I can’t wait for the church’s next potluck!

Photo credit

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