Pinterest and Crockpots

Pinterest and Crockpots

Have you dis­cov­ered Pin­ter­est? It’s a won­der­ful place on the inter­net that keeps all your fab­u­lous ideas and thoughts orga­nized on cyber-bulletin boards. You “pin” web pages to one of your boards based on the cat­e­gory to help you find it later when you want it. I have boards for enter­tain­ing, beau­ti­ful spaces, chalk­board vinyl…Plus about 40 other things. You can have unlim­ited pub­lic boards, plus three secret boards that nobody can see but you. At least last time I checked that’s what they had.

It can be a time sink if you let it. Or the answer to your next baby shower or din­ner party.

A friend sent me a pin the other day in an email. I was stunned. Amazed. And dreamed about it, awake and asleep, until I decided to DO some­thing about it.

I painted my crockpot.

With chalk­board paint.

Oh, yes I did!

crockpot paintedAnd now I can take food to events with­out hav­ing to worry about a label falling off or get­ting lost. Peo­ple can know right away what is inside and if it meets their dietary needs.

Isn’t it fun?

It was pretty easy, although I’m sure it can be com­pli­cated quite nicely if you like it that way.

I’m one of those gotta-get-it-done-NOW kind of peo­ple. So, I fly through projects. I taped the parts I didn’t want to paint, roughed up the tex­ture of the shiny paint a bit, and put two coats of chalk­board paint on it. Waited 24 painful hours before I used the chalk­board mark­ers on it, as sug­gested on the paint can. And there you go!

What do you think? I wish the part around the knob was a lit­tle bit more exact. I thought I taped that part well, but a lit­tle bit of paint seeped through. And the cir­cle wasn’t exact. Hard with that knob on there, and work­ing with tape that is straight. I’m sure there is a bet­ter way.

But, I wanted to share my lit­tle project with you.

Now, I can’t wait for the church’s next potluck!

Photo credit

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