There’s a New {little} Man in My Life

There’s a New {little} Man in My Life

And I’m smitten.

grandparents with hudson

He’s so won­der­ful in every way.

Those of you who have also entered the world of GRAND­par­ent­hood know what I mean. They steal your heart in noth­ing flat.


I’ve been pon­der­ing on what to write about this new phase of life. It’s not like we are the first to ever have grand­chil­dren. Obviously.

And then I remem­bered all those years ago when my first child was born.

The love. The absolute sur­ren­der­ing of my com­fort, my needs, my var­i­ous wants… to that lit­tle baby and his.

And how it dawned on me in those days of lit­tle things how much my par­ents must have loved me in a sim­i­lar way.

I mean, sure: I knew they loved me. But, the same way I was now lov­ing my new baby? All those joys inde­scrib­able that were wrapped up in a tiny smile, and then the belly laughs. The hope that I prayed for my baby’s future life. The late nights gladly sac­ri­ficed for the needs and cries of that help­less baby, who I was hon­ored to min­is­ter to. They loved me like that?

You see, my mem­o­ries are mostly about cur­fews, restric­tions, a busy life filled with get­ting din­ner on the table and school work done. Those nuances of babylove long gone. And yet… My par­ents sac­ri­ficed greatly for their kids. Both of my par­ents worked long, hard jobs. They labored to keep us well cared for. And per­haps they didn’t say things as often as they could have, but they showed their love in many ways. And I never really under­stood a love like *this*.

My hope and prayer is that my kids can see that love that they have for their chil­dren as a sort of reminder to them of the love we have for them. It runs deep. We did not say all the things we could have. In our bus­tle of a busy life, some­times those things get missed and pushed aside. Wait­ing for tomor­row, when we will have more time. Right. Like that happens.

And Hudson’s birth also reminds me to invest even more into those still in our home. These lit­tle peo­ple who are grow­ing older and sur­pass­ing me in many ways (height, knowl­edge, skill…) still need me to remind them of the love I have for them. The new­born new­ness wears off in some ways. It’s not like we can sit at coo at them all day. The 15 year old might think I’ve lost my mind. But, walk­ing along­side my kids and invest­ing in them daily is some­thing to strive for. Tomorrow’s lazy days never do arrive. At least not while I have din­ner to cook and floors to mop.

But Hud­son. My heart soars with joy when I see his face. His mama sends me pho­tos nearly daily of his sweet squishy face that I want to cover in kisses. I know his par­ents will lav­ish love on him, meet his needs as best as they are able, and indulge his wants with wis­dom and joy. And teach him daily about the Love that sur­passes any­thing we are able to do. That Love incar­nate in Christ, who teaches us to love by His per­fect exam­ple. Noth­ing gives me greater joy than to know my chil­dren are teach­ing their chil­dren to walk in truth. God has been mer­ci­ful and so very good to us.

Oh, in case you are won­der­ing… Faith is tak­ing VERY well to being the dot­ing aunt. She can’t get enough of him. When I show her the daily pho­tos of her wee nephew, she squeals with such delight. I think they will be quite the pair. And any spoil­ing that his Mommy and Daddy won’t do, she will gladly pick up the slack.

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  1. Yes, Yes Yes :)

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