Who Wants A Vitamix?

Who Wants A Vitamix?

Spring is right around the cor­ner and it’s already begin­ning to be gor­geous out­side. A new sea­son can be a time to start fresh, re-evaluate your dreams and goals, and get on the right track… again. It’s the per­fect time to renew the vision of your health jour­ney and get set for greatness.

We want to help! Any­thing we can do to make your whole fam­ily, real-food jour­ney eas­ier and smoother, we are all about it. We want you to be able to make healthy meals and snacks to feed to your fam­ily in the most effi­cient way… and what bet­ter way to do that but with a Vitamix. 

win a vitamix

A group of fab­u­lous blog­gers have got­ten together to offer your fam­ily a Vita­mix 5200, val­ued at $449, for FREE!

We know how impor­tant car­ing for your fam­ily is to you and that it’s not always easy to get your own top of the line blender, so we have brought one to you. This tough cookie can do it all and is a sta­ple in most pro­fes­sional kitchens. Now it can be a sta­ple in your kitchen as well. 

The give­away goes from Tues­day, March 4th to Fri­day, March 14th and is for any­one, no mat­ter where you live. If you are out­side of the U.S. you will receive an ama­zon gift card for the Vitamix.

Enter to win through the raf­fle­copter below and get to know some new and excit­ing bloggers. 

a Raf­fle­copter giveaway


Dis­claimer: No pur­chase nec­es­sary. Must be 18 to enter. Void where pro­hib­ited by law. This give­away is in no way spon­sored, endorsed, or asso­ci­ated by Face­book. By enter­ing this give­away, you agree to release Face­book, Whole Fam­ily Strong and all par­tic­i­pat­ing blogs of all lia­bil­ity. Con­test ends at 12:01am EST on March 14, 2014. Win­ner is ran­domly cho­sen by Raf­fle­copter and will be emailed.

To Bless A Homemaker Christmas Giveaway!!!

To Bless A Homemaker Christmas Giveaway!!!

gvDon’t you just love your home­mak­ing hat? It brings me such joy to serve my fam­ily while I’m serv­ing din­ner and desserts and love. Hav­ing good tools in the kitchen is so impor­tant as we tackle these tasks every­day. So, with that in mind, who’s ready to win a KitchenAid mixer? It’s so easy.  Sev­eral blog­gers and small busi­ness own­ers got together to make this give­away possible.

kitchenaidYou have so many ways to enter, boost­ing your chances of win­ning. And while you are at it, lik­ing Face­book pages and sub­scrib­ing to blogs and such, be sure to take a moment to see what these ladies have on their sites, on their blogs, and maybe even say hello. I know they would appre­ci­ate it! And I sure do believe you will be abun­dantly blessed to be intro­duced to some new blogs and busi­nesses! Such a won­der­ful group of ladies.

The give­away runs this week, from Dec 9th-Dec 13th. If you win, you can keep it for your­self, or gift it to some­one you love. May the Lord bless you this Christ­mas sea­son. And may you find joy in your homemaking!

a Raf­fle­copter give­away




It’s the most won­der­ful time of the year! Time for the Christ­mas music, trim­ming the tree, Christ­mas shopping…

I’m not sure if it is because we moved so much over the years, and we wanted some sort of con­ti­nu­ity for our chil­dren, or if it would have been this way any­way, but over the years we have col­lected tra­di­tions that remind us of our spe­cial days.

On birth­days, we hang bal­loons out­side of our children’s bed­room doors with a bal­loon for each year that they are cel­e­brat­ing (3  bal­loons for our 3 year old, 15 for the 15 year old, and so on). Of course, if I didn’t know the kids got into the bal­loons and I only have 11 left but don’t real­ize it until mid­night, the 17 year old only gets 11. Hate it when that hap­pens!  This comes from Daddy always say­ing, “yes,” and Mommy not hid­ing the bal­loons very well. But I digress…

Con­tinue read­ing over at Joy­ous Notions…where they are cel­e­brat­ing with a series of The Five Days of Christ­mas.  And I’m giv­ing away a Christ­mas design from Fruit­ful Vine Cre­ations!

A Homemaker’s Christmas Giveaway Extraveganza

A Homemaker’s Christmas Giveaway Extraveganza

A Homemaker's Christmas final

Catchy title? Who’s ready to win $1000 worth of fab­u­lous items for the home­maker? Yes, one blessed per­son will win the whole she­bang! It could be you. Why not?

Jacinda over at Grow­ing Home Blog has gen­er­ously com­piled a group of busi­nesses to con­tribute to this fab­u­lous homemaker’s dream come true.

You’ll find books, DVDs, Lilla-Rose, Fruit­ful Vine Cre­ations, Bulk Herb Store, clothing…Oh, and let’s not for­get the fan­tas­tic Keurig cof­fee mak­ing con­trap­tion! I want to win! But, I don’t think I’m allowed to enter, see­ing how I am one of the spon­sors. But YOU can! Head on over to Grow­ing Home to get as many entries as you can (so many oppor­tu­ni­ties to enter!). Let me know if you entered so I can cheer you on. I would be incred­i­bly excited if one of my friends won all of those gifts! Okay, Go!

Love you all!

Five Days of Fall Blog Hop

Five Days of Fall Blog Hop

I’m excited to share that I have been  invited to write a blog post for Theresa and Jes­sica over at Joy­ous Notions today. And, we’re doing a give­away while I’m there! Go check it out. And enter to win the prizes offered today!



Want to know what I’m giv­ing away? If you’ve been on my Fruit­ful Vine Cre­ations Face­book page, you may have seen this recently:



If you want an oppor­tu­nity to own an 11″ x 14″ lus­tre print of this chalk­board design, head over and enter the giveaway!


For those who have hopped over here from Joy­ous Notions, Wel­come! Please take some time to look around. I’m glad you’re here!

Calm­ing the Storm of Our Hearts

As moth­ers, we have such a huge respon­si­bil­ity to bring up our chil­dren in the fear and admo­ni­tion of Christ. It’s stag­ger­ing to con­sider the impor­tance of our job as we look at the big pic­ture. I’m sure we’ve all heard the phrase: the hand that rocks the cra­dle rules the world… Con­tinue Reading…

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