Who Wants A Vitamix?

Who Wants A Vitamix?

Spring is right around the cor­ner and it’s already begin­ning to be gor­geous out­side. A new sea­son can be a time to start fresh, re-evaluate your dreams and goals, and get on the right track… again. It’s the per­fect time to renew the vision of your health jour­ney and get set for greatness.

We want to help! Any­thing we can do to make your whole fam­ily, real-food jour­ney eas­ier and smoother, we are all about it. We want you to be able to make healthy meals and snacks to feed to your fam­ily in the most effi­cient way… and what bet­ter way to do that but with a Vitamix. 

win a vitamix

A group of fab­u­lous blog­gers have got­ten together to offer your fam­ily a Vita­mix 5200, val­ued at $449, for FREE!

We know how impor­tant car­ing for your fam­ily is to you and that it’s not always easy to get your own top of the line blender, so we have brought one to you. This tough cookie can do it all and is a sta­ple in most pro­fes­sional kitchens. Now it can be a sta­ple in your kitchen as well. 

The give­away goes from Tues­day, March 4th to Fri­day, March 14th and is for any­one, no mat­ter where you live. If you are out­side of the U.S. you will receive an ama­zon gift card for the Vitamix.

Enter to win through the raf­fle­copter below and get to know some new and excit­ing bloggers. 

a Raf­fle­copter giveaway


Dis­claimer: No pur­chase nec­es­sary. Must be 18 to enter. Void where pro­hib­ited by law. This give­away is in no way spon­sored, endorsed, or asso­ci­ated by Face­book. By enter­ing this give­away, you agree to release Face­book, Whole Fam­ily Strong and all par­tic­i­pat­ing blogs of all lia­bil­ity. Con­test ends at 12:01am EST on March 14, 2014. Win­ner is ran­domly cho­sen by Raf­fle­copter and will be emailed.

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  1. I would really love to win one of these! Thank You for the chance.

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