Gluten Free Sweet Potato Bundt Cake

Gluten Free Sweet Potato Bundt Cake

Okay, I admit it. I love Fall.

Despite the fact that it means that the warmth of sum­mer is fad­ing quickly, and snow is just around the cor­ner, I take great joy over the crisp­ness of the air, the beau­ti­fully col­ored leaves, the Pump­kin Spice Latte.

And I love it that I get to turn the oven back on and bake! We don’t have air con­di­tion­ing here in the forested moun­tains. While we don’t need it most of the time, it makes it a bit too warm to turn the oven on through­out most of the summer.

My favorite dessert to bake these days is my Sweet Potato Bundt Cake. Oh, and it’s Gluten Free! But, it is so moist and deli­cious, you can’t tell that it is! My motto is that if you have to eat gluten free, you need to enjoy it. Not exactly a catchy phrase, but it works, I sup­pose. I don’t want any of our gluten free fam­ily mem­bers to feel deprived.


Here’s the recipe for you:

Spray a bundt pan very thor­oughly with a cook­ing spray (like Pam or what­ever you use). Put rice flour in the crevices to pre­vent it from stick­ing on the way out.

Pre­heat oven to 350°F.

If using a Bosch mixer, mix with your cookie whisks:

1 cup soft­ened but­ter
2 cups maple syrup
2 cups mashed sweet pota­toes
4 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract

Then add:
3 cups  freshly ground brown rice flour {I imag­ine you can use the store bought kind if that’s what you have on hand. Haven’t tried it, but in a pinch I would.}
¼ cup tapi­oca flour
2 tsp bak­ing pow­der
1 tsp cin­na­mon
½ tsp bak­ing soda
¼ tsp salt

Pour bat­ter into a 10 inch, greased and floured bundt pan. Bake at 350°F for about 1 hour 20 min­utes, then invert on a serv­ing plate. Serve with freshly whipped cream.

This is an amaz­ingly moist and deli­cious cake. You’ll won­der where it’s been all your life. You’re welcome.

By the way, that pic­ture there at the top? We took that in Eng­land at Stour­head Gar­dens. It was pretty near to where we lived. Remem­ber that part in the 2005 ver­sion of Pride & Prej­u­dice where Mr. Darcy pro­posed to Lizzie in the rain? It hap­pened there. Here’s a lit­tle link I found that shows a lit­tle bit more about it. I haven’t spent any time on the web­site other than this one page, so I can’t vouch for any­thing else that you might find there. And you know how they say that the cam­era can’t quite cap­ture the beauty of a place. Yeah, that too. Amaz­ingly. Truly a part of God’s Mas­ter­piece of Creation!

I’ve linked up at Grow­ing Home , Cor­ner­stone Con­fes­sions & Sim­ply Help­ing Him

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  1. Hi Tonya, I can have gluten but not the syrup! But it sounds lovely.

    I wish I knew the Teach­ing Text­book guy’s name. I guess we could call him Mr. TT. ~smile~ He is way more patient than I could ever be teach­ing math.

    Har­vest Lane Cottage

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