Have you heard of CHI yet? CHI stands for Chris­t­ian Home Indus­try, whose focus is on help­ing pro­mote indus­tri­ous homes. And, to get the word out about them and what they offer, they have part­nered with a few home indus­tries to give away a taste of what they have to offer.

 x for chi

Chris­t­ian Home Indus­try started as a desire to help Chris­t­ian home-based busi­nesses develop broader aware­ness of their prod­ucts, and has devel­oped into a com­pre­hen­sive online mar­ket­place that pro­motes both our ven­dors and the con­cept of the indus­tri­ous fam­ily that dri­ves them.



One of the give­aways is a $50 gift cer­tifi­cate to Fruit­ful Vine Cre­ations! You can put the cer­tifi­cate towards any let­ter­ing pur­chase, either cus­tom or in the store. How great is that? All you have to do is enter your name and email address to be entered to win.

You don’t have to stand on your head, take a pic­ture and share it on Pin­ter­est! They are keep­ing it easy for you!

It's harder than it looks!

It’s harder than it looks!


You can go here to enter the giveaway.

If you want more ways to enter, you can share the con­test on your social media avenues. For every one per­son who signs up because you linked them to the con­test, you get 5 more entries! I have no idea how they track that stuff, but appar­ently they do. Con­test closes June 7, 2013, at mid­night. So, you still have time to spread the word.

So, what would you want if you won? Would you keep the let­ter­ing for your­self or give it as a gift? You could even buy mul­ti­ple things if you wanted.

Fruitful Vine Creations

Fruit­ful Vine Creations


I don’t know how they keep track of who enters and from where,  and I don’t know if you’ll win. But I do know that if you don’t enter, you won’t win! So go do it! Maybe it will be you!



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