

It’s the most won­der­ful time of the year! Time for the Christ­mas music, trim­ming the tree, Christ­mas shopping…

I’m not sure if it is because we moved so much over the years, and we wanted some sort of con­ti­nu­ity for our chil­dren, or if it would have been this way any­way, but over the years we have col­lected tra­di­tions that remind us of our spe­cial days.

On birth­days, we hang bal­loons out­side of our children’s bed­room doors with a bal­loon for each year that they are cel­e­brat­ing (3  bal­loons for our 3 year old, 15 for the 15 year old, and so on). Of course, if I didn’t know the kids got into the bal­loons and I only have 11 left but don’t real­ize it until mid­night, the 17 year old only gets 11. Hate it when that hap­pens!  This comes from Daddy always say­ing, “yes,” and Mommy not hid­ing the bal­loons very well. But I digress…

Con­tinue read­ing over at Joy­ous Notions…where they are cel­e­brat­ing with a series of The Five Days of Christ­mas.  And I’m giv­ing away a Christ­mas design from Fruit­ful Vine Cre­ations!

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