Trim Healthy Mama Wannabe

Trim Healthy Mama Wannabe

I think I’ve lost the same 20 pounds about 10 times at least. Maybe 20. Of course, after each preg­nancy I had extra weight to lose.  It’s frus­trat­ing. I have tried dif­fer­ent weight loss meth­ods includ­ing an extreme calo­rie lim­it­ing one. It worked at the time. I lost weight very fast. But after about a year, it came back. Ugh. I think it wreaked havoc in my body. They always say it does. But, des­per­a­tion some­times wins the day.

Lately, I have heard so much talk about Trim Healthy Mama by Serene Alli­son and Pearl Bar­rett. Have you heard it too?  I am very intrigued.


I bor­rowed the book from a friend. And my own copy finally arrived this week. I’ve been work­ing my way through this giant 600+ page book try­ing to grasp what they are teach­ing. They took over five years to research and write this book. And it is packed with excel­lent infor­ma­tion and lots of recipes. I have quite a bit to go through before I under­stand exactly how this works, but I am eager to fig­ure it out and get started.

And I’m scared. I have this huge sugar addic­tion. I’m afraid to let it go. I KNOW that it is hor­ri­ble for me. I know that it isn’t doing me any favors. But, Oh, how I love sugar. In my tea, my cof­fee, and every­where else in my diet. Maybe that explains those 20 close com­pan­ions of mine that I can’t seem to shake. At least not permanently.

And then I see tes­ti­mo­nial pic­tures over on the THM Face­book page. Wow. So encour­ag­ing. I want to start today. Yet, I haven’t fin­ished the book. So, I wait until I can get to that again. I want to start strong, under­stand­ing what I’m doing and why.

I sup­pose this post serves as my pub­lic account­abil­ity stunt. I’d LOVE to hear from other THM eaters. Are you glad you are doing it? Have you seen ben­e­fits? Am I only read­ing the suc­cess sto­ries? Thoughts? Encour­age­ment? Pit­falls? Any­thing? Is this thing on? Please com­ment and let me know your sto­ries. Maybe that extra bit of encour­age­ment will be just what I need to jump off this cliff.

I love it that this is not a fad diet, but that this is a good, safe, healthy way to eat. It doesn’t leave out any of the food groups, so far as I can tell. Sugar isn’t a food group, right? I actu­ally WANT to kick the sugar habit. I do. Really. {Do I sound the least bit convincing?}

Thanks for let­ting me sign you up as my account­abil­ity. I will update once I start and let you know how it’s going. Not that you really care. But, you know, account­abil­ity part­ners need to know these things.


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