It’s pretty cool…

It’s pretty cool…

Today, I had Emma and Faith with me as we were dri­ving to a friend’s house. I was flip­ping through the radio sta­tions try­ing to find some­thing suit­able to lis­ten to, when I came upon a sta­tion that had a famil­iar Chris­t­ian song play­ing. As the song played, Faith noted, “Isn’t it cool that this is on the radio?” The song was full of God’s grace and the fact that His Son came to die for sin­ners. Yes, it’s pretty cool that we can turn on the radio and find the gospel sung to us, or preached to us on sev­eral sta­tions at any given time. What is equally “cool” is that Faith rec­og­nizes what a won­der­ful gift that is.

When we lived in Eng­land, they had no such sta­tions, at least broad­cast­ing where we lived. It was shock­ing to us to find that when we lived there. From our under­stand­ing, it isn’t eas­ily per­mit­ted because of  “items that may be offen­sive to peo­ple of other, non-Christian beliefs”. Makes me won­der about whether or not the radio author­ity is con­cerned about whether or not Chris­tians are offended by some of the other things that are broadcasted.

So, while we may despair at how our coun­try is slid­ing away from our Chris­t­ian her­itage, let’s be thank­ful for these things we often for­get to be thank­ful for. I love it that Faith reminds me of them daily.


Photo credit: Bran­don Christo­pher War­ren / / CC BY-NC


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