So, should I tell him?

So, should I tell him?

My hus­band trav­els a bit. Right now, he’s on the way home from the air­port after being gone a few days. I can’t wait to see him.

You know that famous quote by Mar­tin Luther?

Let the wife make the husband

glad to come home,

and let him make her

sorry to see him leave.

Does this mean that I shouldn’t tell him that the kids are all throw­ing up? And so is the dog?

Yeah. That’s what I thought, too.

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  1. Prob­a­bly you might want to tell him so he can bring you flow­ers on his way home.…

  2. A sweet child says:

    I’ll text him for you

  3. Theresa says:

    The dog? A warn­ing might be appro­pri­ate? :D! Once my hus­band stopped on the way home to bring me buck­ets from Home Depot, the man asked, don’t you want lids?

  4. Marcia Lovegren says:

    hmmmm.…maybe just as he’s enter­ing the door?

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