Say what?

Say what?

Mom, I can’t get you out of my toenail.”

Yup, mad libs are mak­ing their way through the house. Again.

You know, each child has to have that phase where mad libs rule. And every­one else gets to go through the whole “name a adjec­tive” part of the game.

In a house full of many chil­dren, it can tend to lose its lus­ter with the rest of us as the newest one dis­cov­ers the madness.

But, Faith. Well, you know how she is. She adopts these new phrases and runs with them. Makes life {more} inter­est­ing with her.

As she trot­ted off to bed tonight, she sang out to me, “Mom, my hair skipped a beat when I saw you!”

Alrighty then.


Photo credit: akeg / / CC BY-SA

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