Love on the brain

Love on the brain

You know, her brother got mar­ried a few months ago. To her favorite babysit­ter. And her mama’s dear friend. And she got a new big sister.

And then we’ve had a few more wed­dings to keep the thoughts all fresh and cen­tral in her brain.

Faith sees mar­riage and love everywhere.

All of her stuffed ani­mals either have or are in des­per­ate need of a husband/wife. Even Samuel is mar­ried. To Mary. And they have a baby named Savannah.

That’s the other thing. They all need babies. We have way too many stuffed ani­mals. Who can say no to babies? We obvi­ously can’t.

Oh, there are so many sto­ries in what was sup­posed to be a short one. About pretzels.

Yes, Faith found a bride and groom today dur­ing her snack.

Pretzel bride and groom

Pret­zel bride and groom

I imag­ine they will need a baby…

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