I guess we can’t have it all…

I guess we can’t have it all…

Yes­ter­day, Faith was chat­ting with a young lady who we know and love. Faith men­tioned that her brother has some­thing in par­tic­u­lar that Meg doesn’t have.  Meg said that she is sure she has some things that Reed doesn’t have.

With­out skip­ping a beat, Faith said, “Yeah, like a clean room.”

She has a point.

PS The pic­ture above was taken about 5 years ago. I love it because it cap­tures their per­son­al­i­ties so beau­ti­fully. Faith is being her funny self, with­out inten­tion. Reed is so joy­ful. We always say he’s just happy to be here. He’s always exuded that joy. The pic­ture just makes me smile and fills me with such joy and delight.

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