Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary!

Today we cel­e­brate 24 years of mar­riage. How can it be? The time has flown by.

We mar­ried the day after Mike grad­u­ated from the Air Force Acad­emy. It was the first day we were allowed to get mar­ried. We wasted no time.

And then we set off on a grand adven­ture, which has spanned three con­ti­nents, six chil­dren, and one daugh­ter in law.

We have been blessed.

It hasn’t always been easy. I don’t think it ever is. We have had our fair share of heartache and tri­als. And we have had many joys.

I can’t imag­ine embark­ing on such an adven­ture with any­one else. Who would get my jokes? Who would lay in bed with me late into the night laugh­ing at the antics of our chil­dren? And draw­ing pic­tures for me on the iPhone?

Who would try not to laugh at my mis­quotes? You do still try, don’t you babe?

I love the life we have made together. God has truly been the One who has been the con­stant, keep­ing us together, guid­ing you as you guide me.

Two are bet­ter than one; because they have a good reward for their labour…

And if one pre­vail against him, two shall with­stand him; and a three­fold cord is
not quickly bro­ken. Ecc 4:9, 12

So, here is to another 24 years! May the Lord con­tinue to work in our lives, sanc­ti­fy­ing us through each other. {I think you get way more of that with me than I do with you!}

I love you most!

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  1. Happy Anniver­sary, you two! Your fam­ily is such a shin­ing tes­ti­mony of God’s love. Thank you for your faith­ful­ness. We love y’all!

  2. Mike Chapa says:

    My won­der­ful wife, I am so thank­ful to God for you. May He richly bless you! Thank you for the first 24!

  3. Con­grat­u­la­tions! May the Lord bless your next 24 years with more daughter/son-in-laws, and pre­cious grand­chil­dren!!! ~Heather H

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