Today we celebrate 24 years of marriage. How can it be? The time has flown by.
We married the day after Mike graduated from the Air Force Academy. It was the first day we were allowed to get married. We wasted no time.
And then we set off on a grand adventure, which has spanned three continents, six children, and one daughter in law.
We have been blessed.
It hasn’t always been easy. I don’t think it ever is. We have had our fair share of heartache and trials. And we have had many joys.
I can’t imagine embarking on such an adventure with anyone else. Who would get my jokes? Who would lay in bed with me late into the night laughing at the antics of our children? And drawing pictures for me on the iPhone?
Who would try not to laugh at my misquotes? You do still try, don’t you babe?
I love the life we have made together. God has truly been the One who has been the constant, keeping us together, guiding you as you guide me.
Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour…
And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is
not quickly broken. Ecc 4:9, 12
So, here is to another 24 years! May the Lord continue to work in our lives, sanctifying us through each other. {I think you get way more of that with me than I do with you!}
I love you most!

Happy Anniversary, you two! Your family is such a shining testimony of God’s love. Thank you for your faithfulness. We love y’all!
My wonderful wife, I am so thankful to God for you. May He richly bless you! Thank you for the first 24!
Congratulations! May the Lord bless your next 24 years with more daughter/son-in-laws, and precious grandchildren!!! ~Heather H