To Bless A Homemaker Christmas Giveaway!!!

To Bless A Homemaker Christmas Giveaway!!!

gvDon’t you just love your home­mak­ing hat? It brings me such joy to serve my fam­ily while I’m serv­ing din­ner and desserts and love. Hav­ing good tools in the kitchen is so impor­tant as we tackle these tasks every­day. So, with that in mind, who’s ready to win a KitchenAid mixer? It’s so easy.  Sev­eral blog­gers and small busi­ness own­ers got together to make this give­away possible.

kitchenaidYou have so many ways to enter, boost­ing your chances of win­ning. And while you are at it, lik­ing Face­book pages and sub­scrib­ing to blogs and such, be sure to take a moment to see what these ladies have on their sites, on their blogs, and maybe even say hello. I know they would appre­ci­ate it! And I sure do believe you will be abun­dantly blessed to be intro­duced to some new blogs and busi­nesses! Such a won­der­ful group of ladies.

The give­away runs this week, from Dec 9th-Dec 13th. If you win, you can keep it for your­self, or gift it to some­one you love. May the Lord bless you this Christ­mas sea­son. And may you find joy in your homemaking!

a Raf­fle­copter give­away


Busking at the Mall…And Anywhere Else She Can Think of

Busking at the Mall…And Anywhere Else She Can Think of

The girls were given an oppor­tu­nity to play their harp at the mall this past week­end. So, they have been prac­tic­ing and prepar­ing for their big pub­lic debut of harp play­ing. I sensed some nerves rat­tling around in the girls over the last cou­ple of weeks as the day drew nearer.

Except for with Faith.

On the way to their last harp les­son before the big day, Faith piped up from the back seat, “Mom? I have a great idea!”  {Oh, dear. I can only imag­ine what’s com­ing next…} “I think we should bring Peter’s fedora and get tips while we play at the mall!”

Two things ran through my head:
1. How on earth did she know it was called a fedora? and
2. Do they allow this?
and to be hon­est, there was a 3. WHAT?!?!? Where did she get this idea from?

As I attempted to sup­press my shock and the fact that I found this humor­ous, I decided to duck the ques­tion, and gave all blame and respon­si­bil­ity to her teacher. “You need to ask your teacher. You prob­a­bly won’t be allowed to do it.”

Well, lo and behold, her teacher thought it was a GREAT idea! Faith marched right into her harp les­son and asked if she could have a tip jar. No gig­gles or sur­prise from her teacher. Just nods of yes and encour­age­ment. Ha!

So, Faith got one of my mason jars with chalk­board vinyl on it and wrote out “TIPS” with a red chalk marker. She car­ried that jar to the mall, and stuck it on the floor in front of her harp. Of the three girls, she wanted to go first. She plopped right down in her chair and played “Away in a Manger” 6 times through. In a row. With her sparkly pink shoes show­ing under her flow­ing dress.

faith harp

And she col­lected tips. After some­one would drop a dol­lar or some change into her jar, she smiled and said, “Thank you!” And then kept play­ing. She delighted her audi­ence. And her mother, of course. And, her sib­lings as well. She does that to us.

Not to be out­done, her sis­ters took turns play­ing also. They seemed to enjoy this new ven­ture after they worked out their nerves, and were quite pleased with Faith’s Tip Jar.

duet harpThe girls had a won­der­ful time, the patrons at the mall seemed delighted to see such young girls play­ing the harp. It was so fun to see the older peo­ple and lit­tle chil­dren watch them. I saw quite a few twin­kles in the older generation’s eyes, and gaped mouths in the lit­tle ones. One sweet lit­tle girl even danced for Pey­ton as she played “The Holly and the Ivy”. And one adorable lit­tle boy wanted to give it a try also. Play­ing the harp, that is, not dancing.

So, tonight, we were enjoy­ing some fam­ily time. Faith and I played a game of  Skip­pity while the older chil­dren played Ticket to Ride with Daddy. She read The Princess and the Pea to me, and I asked her to play a song for me on her harp. She ran to get her tip jar, and she told me to go get my wallet…

See her tip jar in front of her harp?

See her tip jar in front of her harp?

Not so fast, you lit­tle stinker!

**The pic­ture at the top of this post is one I took of Faith out of our din­ing room win­dow. We have had a lot of snow over the last week, with tem­per­a­tures falling below zero most days. Faith won’t be deterred. She had Pey­ton bun­dle her up and out she went. Her bright col­ors really cap­tured my atten­tion, so I grabbed my iPhone to see if I could snap a few shots of her with­out her notic­ing. She was busy, hop­ping around from spot to spot, shak­ing lit­tle trees, dig­ging up snow, look­ing for adven­ture. I finally caught this one, and think she looks like a lit­tle snow elf. I really want to pack­age her up and keep her lit­tle for­ever, but I know she must grow up and become the woman God has in mind for her to be. So, we teach, train, dis­ci­ple her daily. And, like the sib­lings that go before her, we com­mit her and her future to prayer, that she will always have a heart sen­si­tive to God, long­ing to please Him, honor Him, and know Him more fully. I feel so unwor­thy for the task.

Sheer Genius…and Its Mom

Sheer Genius…and Its Mom

Have you seen the Piano Guys video of their ren­di­tion of Angels We Have Heard on High that’s been float­ing around on Face­book recently? I saw the video link for days upon days before I finally clicked on it tonight. Incred­i­ble. For those who haven’t seen it yet, here’s the link: Piano Guys: Angels We Have Heard on High I’ll wait while you go lis­ten to/watch it.

So, I just watched this, and do you know what went through my mind?

What kind of moth­ers did these men have?

That’s what I won­dered. I imag­ine that they had to actu­ally spend time explor­ing in order to get to the place where they are so com­fort­able around the piano to play with it like that. This is not nor­mal, folks. In case you didn’t notice, most peo­ple don’t do these things with a piano. They are com­fort­able with it. They aren’t afraid of get­ting it wrong.

And their moth­ers likely let them explore more than I think I have done with my kids.

Here’s the deal: I’m a rule fol­lower. And those guys, they are break­ing a lot of rules. And it’s magical.

Here’s to allow­ing our chil­dren break some rules in the name of explo­ration. Here’s to let­ting go of the fear of the unknown and allow­ing them to expand their under­stand­ing of things. And run­ning with it. They might actu­ally sur­prise them­selves and every­one else in the process. This is sheer genius. But it isn’t in a box, neat and tidy, and fol­low­ing anyone’s rules. Cre­ativ­ity is like that.

I’m inspired to let my chil­dren play around with things in ways that seem out of the ordi­nary. Not in a destruc­tive way, but in a way that I might not have ever con­sid­ered before. I don’t want to be the lim­it­ing fac­tor in their lives. God gives some peo­ple eyes to see things dif­fer­ently than we do. Do we fight that or embrace it? Why do I strug­gle with this con­cept? Why do I rein them in when they are think­ing of unique ways of tack­ling a project or a prob­lem? I think I am try­ing to save them from mak­ing mis­takes and wast­ing time. Or from being seen as silly or unusual. But, it is in the dif­fer­ent that our imag­i­na­tions are cap­ti­vated. Bril­liant minds do things dif­fer­ently than the sta­tus quo.

And I’ll bet they have moms who give them the free­dom to explore. Let’s be those moms.

Photo credit: Pinterest



It’s the most won­der­ful time of the year! Time for the Christ­mas music, trim­ming the tree, Christ­mas shopping…

I’m not sure if it is because we moved so much over the years, and we wanted some sort of con­ti­nu­ity for our chil­dren, or if it would have been this way any­way, but over the years we have col­lected tra­di­tions that remind us of our spe­cial days.

On birth­days, we hang bal­loons out­side of our children’s bed­room doors with a bal­loon for each year that they are cel­e­brat­ing (3  bal­loons for our 3 year old, 15 for the 15 year old, and so on). Of course, if I didn’t know the kids got into the bal­loons and I only have 11 left but don’t real­ize it until mid­night, the 17 year old only gets 11. Hate it when that hap­pens!  This comes from Daddy always say­ing, “yes,” and Mommy not hid­ing the bal­loons very well. But I digress…

Con­tinue read­ing over at Joy­ous Notions…where they are cel­e­brat­ing with a series of The Five Days of Christ­mas.  And I’m giv­ing away a Christ­mas design from Fruit­ful Vine Cre­ations!

A Homemaker’s Christmas Giveaway Extraveganza

A Homemaker’s Christmas Giveaway Extraveganza

A Homemaker's Christmas final

Catchy title? Who’s ready to win $1000 worth of fab­u­lous items for the home­maker? Yes, one blessed per­son will win the whole she­bang! It could be you. Why not?

Jacinda over at Grow­ing Home Blog has gen­er­ously com­piled a group of busi­nesses to con­tribute to this fab­u­lous homemaker’s dream come true.

You’ll find books, DVDs, Lilla-Rose, Fruit­ful Vine Cre­ations, Bulk Herb Store, clothing…Oh, and let’s not for­get the fan­tas­tic Keurig cof­fee mak­ing con­trap­tion! I want to win! But, I don’t think I’m allowed to enter, see­ing how I am one of the spon­sors. But YOU can! Head on over to Grow­ing Home to get as many entries as you can (so many oppor­tu­ni­ties to enter!). Let me know if you entered so I can cheer you on. I would be incred­i­bly excited if one of my friends won all of those gifts! Okay, Go!

Love you all!

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