Have you heard of CHI yet? CHI stands for Chris­t­ian Home Indus­try, whose focus is on help­ing pro­mote indus­tri­ous homes. And, to get the word out about them and what they offer, they have part­nered with a few home indus­tries to give away a taste of what they have to offer.

 x for chi

Chris­t­ian Home Indus­try started as a desire to help Chris­t­ian home-based busi­nesses develop broader aware­ness of their prod­ucts, and has devel­oped into a com­pre­hen­sive online mar­ket­place that pro­motes both our ven­dors and the con­cept of the indus­tri­ous fam­ily that dri­ves them.



One of the give­aways is a $50 gift cer­tifi­cate to Fruit­ful Vine Cre­ations! You can put the cer­tifi­cate towards any let­ter­ing pur­chase, either cus­tom or in the store. How great is that? All you have to do is enter your name and email address to be entered to win.

You don’t have to stand on your head, take a pic­ture and share it on Pin­ter­est! They are keep­ing it easy for you!

It's harder than it looks!

It’s harder than it looks!


You can go here to enter the giveaway.

If you want more ways to enter, you can share the con­test on your social media avenues. For every one per­son who signs up because you linked them to the con­test, you get 5 more entries! I have no idea how they track that stuff, but appar­ently they do. Con­test closes June 7, 2013, at mid­night. So, you still have time to spread the word.

So, what would you want if you won? Would you keep the let­ter­ing for your­self or give it as a gift? You could even buy mul­ti­ple things if you wanted.

Fruitful Vine Creations

Fruit­ful Vine Creations


I don’t know how they keep track of who enters and from where,  and I don’t know if you’ll win. But I do know that if you don’t enter, you won’t win! So go do it! Maybe it will be you!



I want to, but he won’t let me…

I want to, but he won’t let me…

At the Fam­ily Eco­nom­ics Con­fer­ence last week, I was priv­i­leged to par­tic­i­pate on a panel con­cern­ing hos­pi­tal­ity and min­istry. Many really good ques­tions were asked, which we were able to address. I enjoyed lis­ten­ing to the other pan­elists, and I learned much of the grace of the Lord from these godly men and women.

One thing that seemed to res­onate with those in atten­dance was the point that things don’t have to be a pro­duc­tion to be hos­pi­tal­ity. A sim­ple meal shared with joy and thanks­giv­ing is so much more enjoy­able than a 5 star meal served on china if it means that rela­tion­ships are strained and the bud­get is exceeded.

One ques­tioner asked what to do if a father/husband is hes­i­tant to open their home to oth­ers, but the daughter/wife still wants to extend hos­pi­tal­ity. This can truly be some­thing that is dif­fi­cult to live with. Like many other areas of fam­ily life, we must remem­ber that we are com­manded to honor and respect our fathers and hus­bands. We can con­sider alter­na­tive ways to express hos­pi­tal­ity. For exam­ple, per­haps he wouldn’t mind if you brought cook­ies or a meal to some­one in need. But, some­times the issue is big­ger than we think. Per­haps it is an oppor­tu­nity to hear your hus­band or father’s heart on the mat­ter. In all respect and sin­cer­ity, go to him and ask for ways that he would be will­ing to let you extend this grace to oth­ers. And, with humil­ity and sin­cer­ity, ask him what his hes­i­ta­tion is in this area. You just might be sur­prised by his answer. But, before you do that, maybe you can trou­ble shoot it for yourself.

How do you han­dle the fam­ily bud­get? Is he work­ing long and hard, only to find that the money just isn’t quite meet­ing the needs to keep the house run­ning at his expec­ta­tion? Do you com­plain about not hav­ing enough money to do or buy things? We must learn to be con­tent and thank­ful for how God pro­vides for us through our hus­bands or fathers.

How have you han­dled sit­u­a­tions in the past when you were expect­ing com­pany? Were you joy­ful and gra­cious while prepar­ing the home for your guests? This was once my biggest strug­gle. While the fam­ily enjoyed hav­ing com­pany over, NOBODY enjoyed the process of get­ting the house ready for them. I was a bear, grumpy, yelling, frus­trated, angry. Ugh. It was any­thing but pleas­ant. Are you like that? Has your fam­ily learned that this is not a happy expe­ri­ence? Could this be why he is hesitant?

And then there is the issue of clean­li­ness. Is it pos­si­ble that he is embar­rassed to bring peo­ple into your home? Your home, and the state of your belong­ings, reflects on his abil­ity to pro­vide for you. It directly and imme­di­ately shows whether or not he has his house in order.

Can you per­haps take a quick inven­tory and see if any of these issues might be a fac­tor in his unwill­ing­ness to open his home. We need to be care­ful not to assume that the prob­lem lies with an unchar­i­ta­ble hus­band. It might be more with us, and he is hes­i­tant to tell us. I don’t usu­ally enjoy self-examination. But, I’m thank­ful for it. I’d much rather fig­ure it out before I need an exhor­ta­tion from some­one who loves me. If you sus­pect that one of these areas is lack­ing, maybe you can spend a few months build­ing a rep­u­ta­tion that is more hon­or­ing and godly before you approach the sub­ject. Maybe he will notice the extra effort and the sit­u­a­tion will be dis­pelled. But, please remem­ber that this is not a manip­u­la­tive tac­tic. He doesn’t owe you the results you are hop­ing for. Even if you don’t get what you want, if these changes need to be made, then you will be blessed and your fam­ily will be blessed by the results.

I pray that you will be able to extend more hos­pi­tal­ity in the future. If he still says no to peo­ple in the home, con­sider a meet­ing in a park. Pack a pic­nic that shows thought and love. One of the sweet­est and most gen­er­ous times of hos­pi­tal­ity that some­one showed us was a pic­nic in the park. They packed lunch, and it was var­ied and abun­dant. They had a lot of options, but not a ton of things within each option. For exam­ple, they had var­i­ous veg­eta­bles, but none of them indi­vid­u­ally would have filled any­one. And crack­ers, sand­wiches, cheeses, fruit. Sim­ple things, but some­thing for every­one. Aller­gies could be worked around, peo­ple could eat what they liked with­out draw­ing atten­tion to what they didn’t. It was fun. The chil­dren had the free­dom to play out­side with­out fear of break­ing any­thing. Per­fect for a sum­mer day!

Enjoy this won­der­ful prov­i­dence and grace of the Lord. May you be blessed and sanc­ti­fied as you reach out to others.



I have to admit it: I’m a tea snob. Does that sound bad?

I seem to have a rep­u­ta­tion of lik­ing tea. But, in all hon­esty, I’m really picky. Some peo­ple call it “par­tic­u­lar.” Any­way. I like to host lit­tle teas, and big ones. But, I’m not a huge fan of most of it.

How­ever, I have a tea that I love. If you come visit me, I will offer you a cup. Those who accept are never dis­ap­pointed, as far as I know. I have it imported from Eng­land. Seri­ously, that Boston Tea Party thing was a huge mis­take. Why couldn’t they have dumped Mar­mite over or some­thing? We would have never known. Who in the US, who is actu­ally from the US, eats that stuff any­way? Those guys really sac­ri­ficed for us, and we are still pay­ing the price.

vanilla tea

Whit­tard Vanilla Tea


See that crum­pled up box? That is liq­uid vel­vet, as my dear sis­ter in law described it. It was brought across the pond, sent from my dear friend, via a young lady who was headed our way. I feel so loved. She sent a few boxes for me. When we travel to Eng­land, I snatch up the entire inven­tory in the local shop. I asked the sales lady last time if she had more in the back, and she told me no. She didn’t even go look. I think she’s still hold­ing a grudge about Boston. When my friends visit me from Eng­land, they bring a suit­case full for me. I rea­son that they need an empty one to head back from here to there with all sorts of Amer­i­can things, like guns… kid­ding. But, they do like to shop here as well.

Enjoy­ing a cup of tea with a new or old friend is such a sweet thing. I love the con­ver­sa­tions that ensue. The way the warmth just fills your body. I can feel my body warm up as I drink it. I’m a snow­ball most of the year, so the tea helps me cope.

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