It’s been one of those weeks. We have celebrated a birthday, an anniversary, the birth of a friend’s baby, pregnancy announcements.
And we have been saddened by the news of two miscarriages and the passing of a dear man in our church.
Rejoicing and grieving intermingled.
It’s so hard for this finite woman to comprehend an infinite God who is the author of life. And the numberer of days.
Yet, without my limited knowledge of Who He is, I would be a complete mess, wallowing in sorrow without hope. How do people do that?
Why do people prefer to have a facade of autonomy rather than grip the hand of God, clinging to His Gift?
And it’s just a facade, you know. For each breath we take, believer and unbeliever alike, comes from the very generous hand of God. And that last heartbeat that beats in our chest was timed to the nanosecond by this same Creator of life. Ordained before the foundations of the earth. It is mind-boggling.
Today, we will mourn with our friends at the service of their husband and father. We will remember that our days are a vapor. And a gift.
I pray that we will not waste this opportunity to see our mortality and thank God for His gift of life. And Life that is in Jesus Christ alone.
And we will celebrate the babies. And birthdays, anniversaries, and other landmarks of time that we pass with little thought of the swiftness of the years.
Scripture tells us that it is better to be in a house of mourning than in a house of feasting. That seems so contrary to the way we want to spend our days. The feasting is enjoyable and we can see God’s rich mercy to us when we look for it.
But the house of mourning brings reality to our door. We can’t move past it without considering that we are mortal, and have a limited number of days before us. It can bring fear to the man who refuses to submit to the God of the universe. But it renews the hope of the future for the Christian. And we praise God for His rich mercy that He gives us today. May we walk in peace in sorrow and in joy. May we see His hand guiding and protecting us, bringing us safely Home in our appointed hour.
Rest in Jesus. For there is no rest elsewhere.

Thank you Tanya for sharing God’s mercy to us, mother’s. Just knowing that our precious losses are with Him is such a comfort. God has now filled my longing for a baby with the joy of 13 grandbabies.
Amen Tonya. Such insightful and encouraging words, especially today!
Tonya, this is well said. We live in that zone constantly as we grow older…new life and death are realities that cut across the centuries in every family. How marvelous to know that Gid has appointed our days for us, “before there was yet one of them.”
Beautiful, Tonya. Your words make me praise God.