The Lord has blessed me with some pretty wonderful friends. I have learned so much from them. I just need to practice more of what I have learned, and then perhaps others will be blessed as well. That’s how it works, right?
One friend declares she’s my BFF when we chat. She’s funny and kind and thoughtful. She shares so much with me. I mean so. much. I have promised to keep things private. Trust me. It’s better that way. Oh, how I love to laugh with her. She says that her family can tell when we are chatting online. They just know because she’s laughing. It’s not all silliness though. We are able to talk through some pretty serious topics as well. I love those talks.
Another dear friend is now my daughter in law. We have been friends for years. She’s one of the most loyal and compassionate people I know. And she loves me back. How precious is that? We tell our son that we loved her first. And now she’s my daughter. She’s a confidant. A friend in every sense of the word. How did I find myself so incredibly blessed? I cannot comprehend the depth of God’s love for me, but this is a sampling of it to be sure! I always hoped that I would find it easy to love my daughters in law. We are off to a great start! May the Lord be blessed through our future generations as we build on this love as a family!
But, the particular friend I’d like to share with you today is a woman I met in England. She’s actually Irish, just so you don’t confuse her with being English. Apparently, that’s a big no-no. I didn’t know that when we first met her family. But I’m a quick study. We have been friends now for about 11 years. She is a witty woman, but it took me time to figure that out. {So much for being a quick study?} She hid it from me for years. I was just so busy soaking up godly counsel, learning so much from her. Our friendship is deep, abiding. She is who I think of when I read
A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24
A friend loves at all times…Proverbs 17:17
My dear friend, Angela, sends me letters and emails as time permits. My heart glows with joy when I receive them, even before I open the letter and read a single word. She always sends me words of encouragment, exhortation, love. She doesn’t sugar-coat things, but she gives me such godly counsel. She reminds me of what I think the Puritans must have been like. Drinking so deeply from the fountain of God’s Word, able to express it in all she says and does. And living life with joy. She ministers continuously to those around her: her family, her church, her friends. And she doesn’t expect accolades or praise. She does it all as unto the Lord. She is such a godly woman of virtue. I thank God for her daily.
I desire to be a friend like these friends, and countless others that the Lord has blessed me with by putting them in my life. I want to radiate Christ to others as these women do. I could list several more friends who have touched my life in significant ways. As I write this, names rush through my mind along with their strengths and virtues. Women from church who encourage others quietly, without fanfare. Women who tend to their many children as unto the Lord. I was going to say they tend tirelessly, but I know that isn’t true. They are tired, to be sure. But they continue on day after day. The young women who minister to many families and their own also. And so many others.
Oh, to have a life marked by the title of friend. “She was a friend to the friendless.” or “She was a faithful friend.” To have friends, you must be friendly. I find myself often too worried about my own shyness to step out of my comfort zone to be friendly to the stranger. Am I the only one? Or, I have a list of people I need to touch base with on a Sunday after church which hampers me from reaching out to the stranger amongst us. I fret that time is too short and we only see each other once a week. I am convicted that this is demonstrating the wrong priorities. Yes, we need to keep up friendships, and that takes time and effort. But we also need to minister to the lonely, the stranger, and the weak among us. We need to be like Jesus would be. Compassionate and other-centered. Not self-centered, which comes so naturally to me. And probably just about everyone else.
I am so thankful that we have examples of friends here in flesh and blood. God has given me such rich, deep friendships. As they mirror Christ’s love, the friendships grow deeper, and I learn more and more how to be a friend. I pray that I bless them at least a tiny bit of a reflection of how they bless me. And I pray that the Lord strengthens them to continue in their well-doing. All for His glory.
Do you have an example of a good friend? A loyal friend? One who sticks closer than a brother?
I just thought of a few more friends. I could write a novel, I think, with stories of their loyalty and faithfulness. I am so undeserving. But may God be praised.