I cannot believe that summer is nearing its end. How did that happen? I suppose the travel and the manic schedule might have something to do with it.
I had so much I wanted to get done this summer before I am swamped again with school and the daily grind.
But, here we are, sitting at the end of August, with the list of projects still mostly untouched. Does that ever happen to you? Lofty plans left undone?
I guess I have a list of excuses as long as my to-do list: a three-week vacation to California {which was AMAZING}, family camp, company in and out all summer in between our trips, catching up on my business orders, soaking up the sun with the kids before we are stuck indoors again due to snow and cold…
However, this past weekend, my amazing daughter in law came to spend a few days with me while our husbands were roughing it in the untamed Alaska on Montague Island. We tackled my laundry room. I think it took us about 10 hours together and 1287 trash bags to get through it. It was our own personal Hazardous Journey.
Seriously, where did all that junk come from? To be fair, my laundry room isn’t a single-purpose room. It is the collective closet of all the children. It contains the bulk of my linens. I also have all of my crafting items stored in there. From 1987 to today. We laughed so hard at all my old sewing patterns. Remember the 80s and 90s with the huge collars? Yup. I had patterns for those. And the Prairie dresses. Not sure why I had those. I don’t remember wearing any of that stuff. Maybe I have blotted it out of my memory. Let’s not dig up the old photo albums, okay? While I took many things to Goodwill today, I threw out the patterns. I thought I would be kind to society and not let those stay in circulation. We ought to learn from our past, right? And not destine others to make the same mistakes we {may have} made.
And now my laundry room sits in its beautiful magnificent glory. I used a label maker. Do you have one? They should come with a warning: Caution! The use of this machine is highly addictive. Keep small children away or they may end up labeled along with the patterns and fabric and zippers! {Yes, I have a label for my zippers. I am *that* organized now.}
So, beloved Sarah went home on Tuesday with her husband safely returned from the wilds. And the bug had bitten me. Hard.
I tackled the school room. I can be downright violent when it comes to throwing stuff out. You would never know in my normal daily life. But, another 672 trash bags later, a label machine smoking in the background, and I have a pristine school room.
The little girls were giddy. After the fact. They were very nervous to come anywhere near me during the process. Not sure if they thought I’d throw them out with the other heaps of things or if I’d put them to work on some project that looked like it might take up all their free time. Hmmm. They did help. Just with caution.
But, as the room came together again, they were so excited. I kept hearing cheers and exclamations to the effect of “I can’t wait to start school!!” and “Hey! This is where our Latin goes! Mom has a label right there!” Yes, I’m doing Latin with all three girls this year. Should be fun. Right? I look forward to watching Faith tackle it. She already thinks she can speak French. {She can’t. She says normal things in a French accent. Makes us laugh. The usual.}
So we are going to start school next week at some point. We have company coming on Monday for a few days. Our English Irish friends are sending reinforcements. We have the great joy of having their oldest son and his lovely wife coming to visit. And then I believe we will start school. I don’t think I have anything else on the calendar to give us a good excuse to delay any longer.
So, so long, Summer. You were fabulous this year. We will soak up the fading rays of sun while we can until you join us again in all your glory next year. Thanks for the memories!
Top Photo credit: A.Moltini / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA