One of my favorite things about our homeschool is the journaling.
A few years ago, I started having my children journal daily. They are free to write about whatever they want.
They can draw pictures, write just a couple of sentences, or an entire story. I don’t grade them for content or grammar. Or spelling. I want them to be free to write without abandon. {Is that the right phrase?}
And they love it.
Sometimes they complain about not knowing what to write about. I can understand that! They always figure it out though.
Other times, they are all writing about some great adventure we either just did or they are looking forward to doing.
The journals capture a snapshot of their lives, and my desire is that one day they will look back and remember some major and minor events that they thought worthy of writing about.
Like trips. And birthdays. And sickness and health…Oh, wait.
And fires, or other trials that drew them closer to God.
Oh, how I love the pictures that accompany their entries. I love it how they change and mature and morph from stick people with crazy hair, to more sophisticated people or animals. And their thoughts mature, their writing structure becomes more in depth and complex, their personalities coming through more and more.
She really does like to go to the dentist, even though it looks like he is throwing up.
I do suppose sometimes the pictures are a bit graphic. What can I say. It’s life on a farm.
I pray that I am creating a way for my children to look back and remember what was important to them on any given day in their young lives. How their worries were simple, and their dreams were big. How mommy and daddy were safe and big. Well, not “big”, but you know what I mean.
My children love journaling. Emma just gave me a gift this past week. She thought of it and bought it all on her own with her own money. It was a journal. How special that was to me.
Are you capturing your children’s thoughts? Have you thought about this idea? My boys may not have been so thrilled about the journal, but my girls sure do love it. I do wish I had started this idea when my boys were small. I feel like I’ve missed out on the opportunity to create a love of writing for them. But, we can’t live in regret. I cherish what we have, and will continue to do so. Some days my husband and I pull out the journals and just roar with laughter. And sometimes we tear up at what they find important or has made an impact on their lives. Trips, joys, animals, loss. All captured by the heart of a child, in their perspective. Priceless.