We are a homeschooling family. I have six children. Two have graduated. Those keeping up will know that I still have four that I’m teaching. A couple of years ago I came up with a brilliant plan. Historical field trips.
We have done a Revolutionary War field trip, traveling clockwise from Colorado, taking us to Philadelphia, Washington, DC, and Charleston, SC. We listened to some Faith and Freedom Tour CDs from Vision Forum on the way across the country to prepare us for what we would see. Occasionally, we would make an unplanned stop to see something spectacular, like the home where Stonewall Jackson died. It was a highlight of our trip. The actual bed he languished in is still in that tiny white house. With tears in my eyes, I relayed to my children the story of his death, his faith, and his Hope. And they were there.
Then last year, we made a similar trip, this time counter-clockwise from Colorado to Florida, and up to Boston. On the way up to Boston, we planned to drive by to see the Statue of Liberty from across the harbor. However, when we got there we couldn’t resist the urge to go on the ferry to see it up close. We visited Ellis Island while we were there. Faith decided that she would like to go back to NY for her birthday. She waffles between NY and Paris. And throws in Pompeii on occasion to keep us on our toes. We ended up in the Bronx during Rush Hour…in my 15 passenger van. I called my husband and asked him to guess where we were. I was a tad bit overwhelmed.
So, we make great memories, learn a ton of history that sticks, and the children don’t even seem to realize that they are learning. It’s just part of the big field trip.
This year, we are heading to the West Coast. I want to drive the kids to California, by way of the Grand Canyon. Then we will head up the Pacific Hwy. I need some history ideas! I want to take them to the Hearst Castle, Solvang, San Francisco. Picnic on the beach. What else should we do? I am in great need for ideas. We used to live at Edwards AFB, so I will take them out there for sure. I’m begging you for ideas. Where do we go? Even in those spots I mentioned, what are for sure not to miss sites? Act like I know nothing (and you’ll be pretty close to where I’m at) about the places and spill the beans. Where would *you* go?
Photo credit: Bill Selak / Foter.com / CC BY-ND