And I’m smitten.
He’s so wonderful in every way.
Those of you who have also entered the world of GRANDparenthood know what I mean. They steal your heart in nothing flat.
I’ve been pondering on what to write about this new phase of life. It’s not like we are the first to ever have grandchildren. Obviously.
And then I remembered all those years ago when my first child was born.
The love. The absolute surrendering of my comfort, my needs, my various wants… to that little baby and his.
And how it dawned on me in those days of little things how much my parents must have loved me in a similar way.
I mean, sure: I knew they loved me. But, the same way I was now loving my new baby? All those joys indescribable that were wrapped up in a tiny smile, and then the belly laughs. The hope that I prayed for my baby’s future life. The late nights gladly sacrificed for the needs and cries of that helpless baby, who I was honored to minister to. They loved me like that?
You see, my memories are mostly about curfews, restrictions, a busy life filled with getting dinner on the table and school work done. Those nuances of babylove long gone. And yet… My parents sacrificed greatly for their kids. Both of my parents worked long, hard jobs. They labored to keep us well cared for. And perhaps they didn’t say things as often as they could have, but they showed their love in many ways. And I never really understood a love like *this*.
My hope and prayer is that my kids can see that love that they have for their children as a sort of reminder to them of the love we have for them. It runs deep. We did not say all the things we could have. In our bustle of a busy life, sometimes those things get missed and pushed aside. Waiting for tomorrow, when we will have more time. Right. Like that happens.
And Hudson’s birth also reminds me to invest even more into those still in our home. These little people who are growing older and surpassing me in many ways (height, knowledge, skill…) still need me to remind them of the love I have for them. The newborn newness wears off in some ways. It’s not like we can sit at coo at them all day. The 15 year old might think I’ve lost my mind. But, walking alongside my kids and investing in them daily is something to strive for. Tomorrow’s lazy days never do arrive. At least not while I have dinner to cook and floors to mop.
But Hudson. My heart soars with joy when I see his face. His mama sends me photos nearly daily of his sweet squishy face that I want to cover in kisses. I know his parents will lavish love on him, meet his needs as best as they are able, and indulge his wants with wisdom and joy. And teach him daily about the Love that surpasses anything we are able to do. That Love incarnate in Christ, who teaches us to love by His perfect example. Nothing gives me greater joy than to know my children are teaching their children to walk in truth. God has been merciful and so very good to us.
Oh, in case you are wondering… Faith is taking VERY well to being the doting aunt. She can’t get enough of him. When I show her the daily photos of her wee nephew, she squeals with such delight. I think they will be quite the pair. And any spoiling that his Mommy and Daddy won’t do, she will gladly pick up the slack.