Remember when I wrote about dust bunnies and my fantasy of having a blog dedicated to home décor? I’m still working on my issues.
But, I came across two blog posts from The Nester which discusses this very topic. Do you know The Nester? She has one of those great blogs that shows wonderful decorating ideas, but stresses that “It doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful.” I love her. She speaks my language.
Anyway, I thought I would share the links here so that you can read some of her simple ideas to help your house look even better.
One of her ideas that I particularly loved was the idea that you can take your screens off your windows. Okay, I should know this one already. When we lived in England, we had no screens. I adored not having screens. Everything looked so clear and beautiful looking out. You didn’t have to look through that dark screen to the outside. It just adds so much more light. But for some reason, I never brought the idea back home to the US. Where we live, we don’t really have bugs. Oh, except during moth season. Hmmm. I’ll have to rethink that one. Think “The Birds” only in miniature. Scary. Not that I have actually ever seen “The Birds,” but I can imagine. Anyway, if you don’t have a moth season like we do, it might work for you. It’s glorious.
The first blog post is Three Weird Reasons My House Looks Decent Online. I couldn’t help but wonder if she was talking to me. Like she knows I exist. Yeah, probably not.
The second one is actually my favorite of the two: 3 Ways My House Looks Worse In Real Life. Maybe she just makes me feel better about where I’m at.
Oh, and did you see the idea about the fireplace? It points out one important thing to me: I am a rule follower. Who knew you could take the glass out of the gas fireplace? Seriously? I would never have considered doing that! But I have always hated that glass. I scowl at it often. It just takes away so much from the effect of the fireplace. I have dreamed of making that fireplace pretty when not in use. Which is about 6 weeks in the summer, on good years. Assuming winter ended early and starts late. Yes, I exaggerate. But not by much. I thought I was stretching things when I took all the brass accents and painted them black. I am not a fan of brass. But I love black accents. It made a huge difference. After the fact, we wondered if we used the right paint, was it going to melt and get paint all over the floor…So far, 6 years later, it is still black and no paint on the floor. I guess we did okay.
So, in addition to learning some great ideas for improving the way my home looks, I also learned that I need to think outside of the box more.
Which is the catalyst for another post coming soon. I went to Goodwill and found something cool. And I am trying to think outside of the box about it. More details to follow soon!