Apparently a rumor has been swirling around about me. And my bread. The word on the street is that people like it.
I know my family does. They actually prefer it to regular bread. I make it and they eat all the loaves up within minutes. Well, maybe not that fast for all of it. I bake in bulk. The first loaf is gone before it has had a chance to cool. The others might last a couple of days beyond that.
And I’m just as bad as the rest of them.
Which is why I don’t bake bread nearly often enough, and my gluten free girls are left to cope with the store bought cardboard that passes as gluten free bread. I’m not the least bit tempted by that stuff.
But, today I decided we needed some real bread. It isn’t too warm outside, so everything seemed perfect. {We have no air conditioning, so this is an important factor in August.} What excuse did I have?
Other than the fact that I was packing for a camping trip. And needed to make a meal for Sunday. And we have company coming to our house the day after we get home.
But that tends to be my normal life. It’s how I roll.
And, I thought that while I was at it, I’d share the recipe with you. It’s not my own. I took a gluten free baking class, and the woman who teaches it tweaked and tweaked until she came up with this star of a recipe. She should take a bow. She gives the recipe out freely to all who ask. I love her.
So here it is for you:
Gluten Free Bread
*Note: I mill my own rice flour, which makes it extra fresh and soft. I haven’t tried it with store bought rice flour, but if that’s all you have, it’s worth a shot!
Preheat oven to 375 degrees
Grind 3 cups brown rice
In large mixer, use your cookie paddles and add:
2 cups warm almond milk (or water)
1/2 cup maple syrup, honey, or agave (I use the maple syrup)
1 stick of soft butter (or 3/4 c light olive oil)
**Note: Here, I just put all the above ingredients in a saucepan, melt the butter, and warm the rest. Not to hot though, as that would kill the yeast.
3 eggs, room temperature
ground flaxseeds (I just fill up my seed/coffee grinder, mill whatever it holds, and add that amount. This is an extra, optional ingredient, so you can add as much/little as you like.)
1 1/2 tsp salt
3 1/4 c freshly ground rice flour
1/4 c tapioca flour
1/2 c raw millet (optional, only if you like crunch, which we love)
5 tsp SAF instant yeast
1 Tbsp Xanthan Gum
a squirt or so of lemon juice (to keep the bread fresh longer)
Mix all ingredients in mixer for about 4 minutes. Spoon into (2) 8″ well oiled loaf pans and smooth the top of the dough. Let rise for about an hour. When placing bread in oven, reduce temperature to 350* for 45 minutes. Use a read thermometer to test the internal temperature, which should read at least 190*F. {I don’t actually do this step, but that’s how you can tell if it is done if you are unsure.}
Optional: Add 1/4 cup Potato Starch in the place of the tapioca starch.
Throw in a well ripened banana if one is sitting on your counter.
If you add 1 cup of pureed pumpkin, add 1/2 c additional rice flour.
That’s it! It’s pretty easy.
I store my bread on the counter in a plastic bag. No need to refrigerate it. And it stays moist and fresh. This is great slicing bread for sandwiches.
If you try it, let me know what you think. Also, feel free to ask me any questions you have about it, although it’s pretty forgiving.
My girls giggled this morning when they saw the fresh loaves of bread I baked after they went to bed last night. The first loaf is already gone.