Sitting in the park the other day, one of our friends shared with me that she loves the way my husband looks at me. It took me aback. I *know* how my husband steals looks at me, how we connect with our eyes, and how special it is. But, I had no idea that anyone else ever saw it. My husband still makes my knees weak. He gives me those butterflies. I like to watch him while he is doing the things he does.
This last week, he was busy helping with the Family Economics Conference. He did a little bit of emcee work, moderated a couple of panels. That sort of thing. Every once in awhile, I would send him a text just to let him know that I was thinking of him. I would watch him read the text, look up, and look for me. Our eyes would meet, and he’d give me that smile.
I love to get texts and emails from him. He sends them to me just to say he loves me, or something along those lines. We flirt in our little texts and emails. It keeps things fresh and current with us. It keeps us connected. He has been so incredibly busy over the last couple of years. He has so many spinning plates to keep going. And so do I. It would be easy to lose each other in the midst of life. But, what would it benefit us or our children or the church, or the ministry he works with, if we were to lose our marriage, the spark that we have, the joy we have?
God has truly protected us and our marriage. I give Him all the credit and glory for it. My husband has strived to keep our relationship a priority in his life. And by doing so, my loyalty to him, my love and affection for him, and my heart for our home, has grown and flourished.
Ladies, I want to encourage you to remind your husband of your affections for him. Even, or rather, especially, in times of difficulty and stress. It is never too late to build upon what you have. Take it up a notch. Don’t get lazy in the relationship. Remind him of what it was about you that he fell in love with. Remember why you fell in love with him. Build on that.
I have found that it can be so easy to get into a rut and just do the next thing on the list, ignoring the more important things that never actually make it on the list. What we do may not in any way appeal to you or your husband. But I bet you know what will.
When my friend shared her observations with me, her husband chimed in that he thinks Mike and I are such a great team, that we are so good together. I beamed inside. I know this is true. I live it daily. But, to hear that someone else sees it, someone I respect, my heart just about skipped a beat. May the Lord be glorified for any good that is seen in us. It is all because of His abundant mercy and grace in our lives. My husband and I are both naturally selfish and unloving. As are most people. But, by God’s grace, we are able to love deeply. And my prayer is that our children will carry this legacy into their families. And that perhaps you, too, will be blessed as well. Let’s not depend on ourselves for this, but rely wholly upon the Lord, from whose hand every good gift comes.