On Friday, I took the children to the CHEC (Christian Home Educators of Colorado) office to finish up a little bit of work in preparation for our state conference. The kids love going there since Dad works there. And they have candy and soda.
And Dad always says yes…
Or so they tell me. As they are walking past me on the way to ask Dad something. With a skip in their step.
So, while I was working and they were keeping busy with various tasks like folding flyers and such, Faith got her hands on a little homeschool comic book. She spent some time reading the comics.
Fast forward to Saturday morning.
I was on the elliptical trying to get my blood pumping a bit before I started the marathon of a day. {Not a literal marathon in case you misread that sentence. That would be seriously funny for those who know me in person. I am NOT a runner.}
Faith approached me and started talking. She obviously had been mulling over something.
“Mom? I was reading a Christian comic book yesterday.”
Me, panting, wondering why this conversation has to take place at this particular moment, but realizing that it is weighing heavy on her heart.
“Yes, Faith?”
“Well, Mom, it seems like all they do is mock non-Christians.”
I asked her for a clarification, and she gave me some examples. Things that probably would have flown right under my radar of mocking, but she was dead on. I asked her if someone had talked to her about this, and she said that nobody had. So, she figured this out all on her own.
And she was right. I stopped my exercising for the moment. Seriously stunned by her perception. She’s a brand new 7. I’m slightly older than that. And she gets what I so often overlook. In our humor, do we mock what others just don’t have eyes to see? Are we insensitive to the fact that God maybe hasn’t opened their eyes to see Truth? Do we take it for granted as though we somehow figured it out all on our own?
I told Faith that she is right, that we shouldn’t mock others, even those who don’t know Christ. We need to love them and show them Christ, that we need to be careful with our speech. I’m sure all of the comics weren’t of a mocking nature. I’m pretty sure some of them were funny in their own right, not at the expense of a non-Christian. But I got the point.
And then I went upstairs to share this with my husband who was equally stunned by her perception. God has been so merciful to us. Let us show that mercy to others. And stop the mocking. Even if we think we’re just being funny. It’s really no joke.

Sadly it is my experience that that is the way of life — it is sometimes easier to mock that which we don’t understand than to take the time and effort to do so. I, for one, applaud you and your little star for bringing up this subject. In the UK we like to believe that we are multi cultural and tolerant and accepting of all, and yet still ‘comedians’ get cheap laughs from the very same thing (going a bit off topic, but you know what I mean)
Wow. Humbling and a smack between the eyes. Thank you for sharing this. I have so often used humor to gloss over pain and ignorance on my part. Mocking is sin and a sweet 7 year is the one to see it so clearly.