I was laying on the examination table in shock. I was at my first midwife appointment, and because of my symptoms, the midwife wanted to do an ultrasound. There, on the screen, as plain as day, life and death were co-existing. I saw Faith’s tiny little 7 week old heart beating furiously and strong. And next to her was the evidence that was left from her twin.
I was rejoicing and grieving in the same breath. I had been bleeding. I was incredibly nauseous. And now I knew why.
I stumbled to the parking lot, still unsure about how I was supposed to feel. I always rejoice at seeing my babies in their ultrasounds. But, I also found out in that one moment that I had been carrying twins, and that one had died. This was my first miscarriage.
Fast forward a few years, and we rejoiced at the discovery that after 4 years unable to conceive, we were once again pregnant. A few days later we were devastated to learn that this new life, with all our hopes and dreams for his life, was dying. Oh how I grieved.
And then the following year, it happened again. This time, I carried the baby to 7 weeks. Mike was out of town on a business trip when I miscarried. That was hard. But, God sustained me through it. Late one night, I went into the bathroom, and prayed that the Lord would allow me to see the baby and not inadvertently flush it without knowing. Right then, He plopped my perfectly formed baby onto a clean tissue. I could see the spinal cord, the spots where the brain and heart and eyes were, the arms and finger buds. The baby was about the size of a grape. I was only 7 weeks pregnant, which means the baby was only about 5 weeks old. I was so amazed at how formed this little life was already. I called my oldest son upstairs to share this moment with me, to see his little sibling. We buried the baby in a handmade paper box under the crooked tree in our back yard. I put a piece of flannel in the box beneath and over the baby. We read some scripture, sang a hymn, and prayed together as a family, thanking God for the time we had had with this baby, and asking for peace and comfort.
I have struggled with the whys of miscarriage. Why would God allow me to get pregnant after praying for all these years only to take away this blessing from me? I really can’t grasp it. But, I do know that my life has been made richer and fuller by going through this heartache. I have learned to lean more on God for comfort and care. I have felt His hand sustain me through these deaths.
Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. –Romans 12:15
Also, it has allowed me to have greater sympathy and compassion for other mothers who are suffering such loss. Had I not experienced this grief, I would not quite be able to understand what a body goes through physically and emotionally during a miscarriage. I am thankful for these things in my life. I wouldn’t sign up for them, but obviously God felt I needed it for my sanctification.
I know that God is sovereign. I know that He ordains whatsoever comes to pass. He has numbered our days before there was one of them. This is true for you. It is true for me. It is true for our children. Even the ones in our wombs. We cannot add or take away a single day that has been ordained for us. And it is so hard to wrap our heads around that one. I believe God uses means to work out His sovereign plan, but we cannot orchestrate it or force our will upon Him. We must always submit to His will, if we like it or not.
Another thing that I hold onto is that each one of these babies are eternal beings. My few weeks of pregnancy wasn’t for nothing. God ordained that their souls should be ushered into eternity from the womb. And I was honored to be the vessel He chose to bring them into eternal existence. How humbling. And how glorious. My heart aches with the desire to hold them and watch them grow up. But, God had something better in mind for them. I believe that they are at the feet of Jesus, worshiping and glorifying Him. How thankful I am for that hope.
If you have suffered a miscarriage, I am so sorry. I understand your heartache. I want to encourage you to name your babies, even if they passed years ago. They are eternal, and they deserve a name. They are real. Even if nobody else knew about them.
The other night, as we sat at the table for dinner, my heart remembered my babies. I noticed that we have three children missing from our table. I thought for a moment how sweet it would be to have Faith’s twin along with two more little ones sitting there with us. The baby would be turning one this week. Delight. But, I quickly remembered that we do have delight with those the Lord has allowed us to raise, and that I can have delight in the knowledge that I am a privileged mother to have ushered three souls into eternity through the vessel of my body, by the Lord’s choosing. Thank you, Lord, for this honor. I pray that I will never disdain the gifts that He has given me. Nine children, six on earth; the understanding of being comforted by His hand through the heartache and pain; the hope of being able to comfort other women in their sorrow; and a knowledge of His perfect sovereignty in our lives.
I pray my words give you hope. May the Lord bless you in your struggles. And may He give you peace.
I’ve linked up over at A Wise Woman Builds Her Home, Deep Roots at Home, Cornerstone Confessions, We are That Family, and Simply Helping Him. Head on over for more encouragement today.
Photo credit: kudaker / Foter.com / CC BY-NC-ND

Hi Tonya,
Thank-you for this lovely post. I too know the dissonance of grieving and rejoicing simultaneously. We lost our 3rd baby last year in March. Exactly 1 year later we were blessed with our fourth, born 6 weeks early after 20 weeks of bed-rest. You captured the emotion so well and tied it with a ribbon of hope.
P.S. You probably don’t know me, but we enjoyed hearing your husband speak at the 2012 Family Economics Conference in Chicago. So nice to find your family online!
Beautiful Tonya! As one who has experienced miscarriage too, your words are comforting.
I remember I had contacted you to tell you how sorry I was to hear of your miscarriage. I was honored that you shared with me how God allowed you to see your precious tiny baby. He truly comforts us in our time of sorrow.
Thank you for sharing!
Thank you, Tonya. I was just sharing about my miscarriages with a cousin today. I thank God for the assurance that we will see them again.
I appreciate your post. It was a good reminded of the sovereignty of our Heavenly Father. I miscarried twins at 13 weeks almost a year ago and then lost two more pregnancies, one at 5 weeks and then one at 6 weeks. I am pregnant now with our 6th. It has been a struggle to not guard my heart. I am praying everyday to rejoice for the time God is allowing me with this little one and we will walk in faith one day at a time.
Thank you so much, ladies for sharing your stories with me. I am so sorry to hear of your losses. Miscarriage effects so many women.
Connie Sue, I have prayed for you today, and I will continue to do so. I pray you will find such a great joy and peace daily as you carry this precious child.
Jacinda, thanks for saying hi! I hope we can meet sometime!
Thank you, Tonya! I am blessed and humbled. I cling to the promise that “whatever evil is sent in this troubled life, He will turn to my good, for He is able to do it, being Almighty God, and willing also, being a Faithful Father.“
In His Service,
Connie Sue
My Grandmother miscarried before having my mother. When she passed away we thought of her reunion with her baby boy she never met. Then when my Grandfather passed way, even with the grief, we had the joy of knowing that she was finally able to show my Grandfather their son! I look forward to meeting my Uncle someday! Thank you for your post!
Took 5 years to first conceive, miscarried 5 times and have 5 children. At the times I miscarried I had not heard anyone else talk about it who had gone through it or that it was as common as it is. I was very sad and still cry thinking about it. I remember those still u/s images that I wanted to see flickering with heartbeats. One died after I had seen the heartbeat so I was especially stunned. One time was very scary because I bled so heavily. Bad times. I’m glad when people talk about it so that young moms can know they’re not alone if/when it happens to them. I wish I had had someone like you to talk to!
Ladies, thank you so very much for sharing your stories. I’m so thankful that we have peace in Christ. In addition to these comments, I have received several private messages from women concerning their personal stories of loss and heartache both with miscarriage and failed adoptions. Such grief. And yet, in all of our trials, we know that God is on His throne, working out the details for our sanctification and His glory. May we all rest in Jesus daily. Blessings to each of you dear women.
Your words are exactly my thoughts, straight from my heart. We have 4 kids here on earth who joined our family through adoption and birth, and we have 3 pre-born babies in Heaven. I appreciate so much your honesty. Blessings.
I found this on Pinterest, I am going through a miscarriage right now at 5 weeks and also have an 18 month old healthy boy. I thank you for this reminder of Gods grace and showing me to look at it from a different perspective I had never thought of before. I really appreciate it. Thank you.
Meghan, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My heart aches with yours as I know the pain and sorrow well. May the Lord care for you tenderly in these days. Please be sure to rest as your body heals. Blessings to you.