I have been greatly blessed by a godly mother. She was faithful to take us to church every week as I was growing up. She gave me wise counsel as I was preparing for marriage, for which I am so grateful. I remember her sitting on my bed beside me as a teenager consoling me, comforting me as I struggled with whatever was causing me angst at the moment.
While my parents didn’t homeschool us or raise us the way we are trying to raise our children, my mother is our biggest cheerleader. She recognizes that she laid a foundation for us on which to build. I pray that my children will do the same. My mother doesn’t seem to carry any feelings of hurt or jealousy because we have taken a slightly different path with our family. She is humble and gracious. She tells us she is proud of us for seeing these things, and loves that her grandchildren are being raised in a godly home, that we bring the Word of God to bear in their lives. Like most Christian parents of her generation, homeschooling wasn’t anywhere on the radar. What will it be for our children? Surely we are not seeing something that the Lord will show them. One step at a time, right? If I have learned anything from my mother, I have learned that God works all things for good to those who love Him and are called according to his purpose. (Ron 8:28) I have learned that even though my children may tweak some things in their parenting, it isn’t a slap on us. It’s a good thing, assuming that they are seeking the Lord in these things.
Occasionally, my husband will be struck by something I’ve done or a way I have responded to the children. He has shared with me that my gentle response to a difficult situation has surprised him. He thought I would have been justified to be upset or angry. But to me, my reaction is just a response that I have learned from my lovely mother. She was always gentle and kind. She seemed to have a bottomless well of patience and kindness. My prayer is that this legacy will continue to our future generations. What a beautiful thing!
Marriage gave me a second mother. My husband’s mother has been a wonderful example of a mother-in-law. Early on in our marriage, my dear mother-in-law went out of her way to make sure I knew I was loved and welcomed into their family. She did large things and small things to demonstrate her heart to me. She wanted me to understand that she recognized that my role in her son’s life now superseded her role as the primary woman influencing him. She would give us gifts with my name on them first, which is such a small thing, but it spoke volumes to me of her love. She communicated with words that her desire was that she would never overstep her boundaries in her dealings with us. And she has been very faithful in this. In many ways she has taught me by her example how to be a mother-in-law. I have never i understood the disdain for mothers-in-law. While we don’t agree on many things pertaining to the Lord and how we live out our lives, we have a deep and abiding love and respect for each other. I am so thankful for the son she raised. She poured her life into her children. She labored at home to give them a consistent and loving home.
When Mike and I were married, we so enjoyed spending time with his parents. They would open their home to us, spend time with us, play games with us. We have some really great memories with them. As the Air Force moved us around the globe, and children were added to our home, the visits became less frequent. We are thankful for those sweet memories. We cling to them. And we try to institute many of those things into our family.
God has been so good to me. He not only gave me a loving, precious mother, but he gave me a kind and wise mother-in-law. Happy Mother’s Day to my two mothers. I love you both so very much.

Beautifully said! I am also blessed as you have said. I have my mom’s 100% back up, even though we do things differently and I am beyond blessed by an amazing mom in love!
God is good!
Thank you. I’m so glad you have the support of your mom. It is priceless, isn’t it? Even though we are grown and have a family of our own, our moms really carry such weight with us. Praise God for loving mothers!