Introducing Faith

Introducing Faith

The Lord has blessed us with 6 chil­dren who we love so much. They each have their own strengths (and weak­nesses, of course), and they delight us to no end. The baby is six. And she is incred­i­bly funny. I’ve posted on Face­book over the years about her funny say­ings and inter­est­ing obser­va­tions. Peo­ple tell me to write a book. They say that I bet­ter be writ­ing this down. Well, I sup­pose this will be my ver­sion of a book. I hope one day she will enjoy read­ing all that I have writ­ten about her. Of course, I will be sure to add funny things the oth­ers say or do, but the 21 year old, while very funny, prob­a­bly won’t appre­ci­ate me telling you about the goofy things he does.

Faith washing the potatoes

Faith wash­ing the potatoes

Here she is wash­ing pota­toes for me. She loves to help me wash the pota­toes. She told me that she felt like she was in a cafe…in Paris. You know, ’cause we always wash our own pota­toes in French Cafes. Oh, and yes, she picked out her own clothes that day. She has such a great sense of style.

Silly Faith

Silly Faith


Did I say that she makes me laugh? She came up to me one day in this out­fit. It was bed­time. She was try­ing to stall. It worked. At least for a few minutes.

She also has an incred­i­bly ten­der heart. She loves the Lord, which is demon­strated by her kind­ness to oth­ers and desire to learn more about Christ. She loves read­ing her Bible every morn­ing before school. Recently she was read­ing about the cru­ci­fix­ion of Christ. She didn’t under­stand the word cru­cify as she was read­ing it, so she asked me what it meant. (She knows “Jesus died on the cross for my sins” but this word was hard for her.) I explained it to her, at which she became very hushed and seri­ous. She said, “Mommy, I am at a very impor­tant part of the Bible.” Yes, indeed.

So, as things pop out of her mouth, I will be adding them here. I truly think this will be the most read sec­tion of my blog. She seems to have a fol­low­ing already. Haha.

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