Those are probably every mother’s most despised words. Well, at least they are up there with “He’s touching me!” or something along those lines. They really get me riled up. They cause me a moment of panic, to be honest. How am I failing my children to give them the opportunity to feel bored? Am I not challenging them enough? Not offering enough insight and purpose?
bored: adj; feeling weary because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one’s current activity.
I haven’t had the luxury to be bored in a few years. You know: children, homeschooling, home business and all. Lazy at times, perhaps. Bored? Not so much. I’m sure every mother can relate to that sentiment. Our work is never done, so if we are lacking something to do, we just need to look beyond our noses to find the next thing.
When I am faced with these words as they pop out of the children’s mouths on those rare occasions they didn’t think before they spoke, I just cringe. What? Don’t you know that this moment, right here and right now is a gift? Don’t you know that you are not guaranteed the next minute? How on earth can we waste our existence by being bored? If you knew you only had 2 days left to live, would you be bored right now? What would you do that would glorify God? Go do that!
I certainly understand the moments of the loss of focus. I think most of us have had that happen. But, what a shame to let those moments define our days.
As we are entering into the summer months, that temptation to be bored is ever present. How can we spur our children on to redeem the time rather than waste it on frivolity? I’m not saying that we ought to remove all pleasure and entertainment from their lives. But, again, it shouldn’t define it either.
Lately we’ve been inspired to get some sort of family economy going, where the kids are integral in it. We want to teach them how to run a successful business. We just need to find something that they can practice with, take responsibility for, and not worry (too much) if it flops. The main thing will be to teach them the accounting, the drive to seek out business, the creativity to think outside of the box, and the gumption to do it even when it is hard. Perhaps that Family Economics Conference we went to inspired us more than normal. I’m excited for the children in this endeavor. They have all tried a few things, like dog walking and yard care. But, we live out in the country, and we only have a handful of neighbors. Most aren’t in the market for these things. And, if they are, well, there are only a couple of people. Not really the makings for a booming business.
The internet is available, which is really exciting. It really opens up doors for us that might otherwise be unrealistic.
So, what ideas do you have? Reselling seems popular. I’d love to find something that the kids could really get behind (but not want to keep it all for themselves!). Any current or upcoming fads we could get in on? I’d love it if they came up with their own idea. Doesn’t that sound fun?
Another way we can quell the boredom is by ministering to others. Some ideas I have include visiting nursing homes so the girls can play their musical instruments for the residents. They haven’t quite mastered their harp yet, but it’s hard to make a harp sound bad. It is just so soothing. They can offer to walk the neighbors’ dogs, rake up pine needles, bake cookies or breads for friends as a surprise to them, or write letters to grandparents and cousins. I think I may put a list on our refrigerator for them for those moments when the “b” word nearly slips from their lips. They will have a go-to place to find something profitable to do with their time.
Please, share ideas that you have. I’d love to get more items on my list for the kids. What are you going to do to battle the boredom bug?
Photo credit: Conlawprof / / CC BY-NC-SA

If my children say they are bored, they know the immediate response is a list of chores or extra school work they can do. They rarely say they are bored!
I hear there’s money in creating Apps.
Start a dairy farm, trust me, no one will ever bored again…