Happy New Year to you and your family from ours. May this year be filled with great joy, hope, grace, peace, and love. May the Savior of your soul shower you with blessings rich in His mercy. May you know His constant presence in your days.
Especially in the trials. And heartaches. And fears that creep in.
Lean on Him. Rest in Him. Hope in Him. He never disappoints. Never leaves you alone to your own devices and strength. He is Faithful and True. Always.
May you rejoice in His goodness.
Oh how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have prepared for those who trust in You in the presence of the sons of men! Psalm 31:19
This year I hope to blog again. I have taken quite a long break from blogging. Mostly, my days have been filled with the busy-ness of life: Homemaking, homeschooling, running a business, loving my husband and children… The things this blog is about. And, I found myself living it more than writing about it, although I did write countless posts in my head. I also felt the great weight of putting my thoughts out there for public consumption. Words matter. And I don’t want to take it lightly, although I also don’t want to take myself too seriously at the same time. 😉 It’s a strange mixture of thoughts swirling in my head.
But, I miss writing. So, I want to write more. I have much to share, many thoughts to explore. We have embarked on some new adventures this past year, and have some more new things coming up in the new year. I hope to share those with you.
So, Happy New Year. Embrace it with joy. God is good.

Yeah! I’ve been missing your thoughts and encouragements!
Thanks Brenda! Let’s see how this goes.