Five Days of Fall Blog Hop

Five Days of Fall Blog Hop

I’m excited to share that I have been  invited to write a blog post for Theresa and Jes­sica over at Joy­ous Notions today. And, we’re doing a give­away while I’m there! Go check it out. And enter to win the prizes offered today!



Want to know what I’m giv­ing away? If you’ve been on my Fruit­ful Vine Cre­ations Face­book page, you may have seen this recently:



If you want an oppor­tu­nity to own an 11″ x 14″ lus­tre print of this chalk­board design, head over and enter the giveaway!


For those who have hopped over here from Joy­ous Notions, Wel­come! Please take some time to look around. I’m glad you’re here!

Calm­ing the Storm of Our Hearts

As moth­ers, we have such a huge respon­si­bil­ity to bring up our chil­dren in the fear and admo­ni­tion of Christ. It’s stag­ger­ing to con­sider the impor­tance of our job as we look at the big pic­ture. I’m sure we’ve all heard the phrase: the hand that rocks the cra­dle rules the world… Con­tinue Reading…

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  1. Thank you for offer­ing such a lovely giveaway!

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