My husband likes to take me flying. He’s a pilot. That’s what they do. He sometimes wisks me away for my birthday or our anniversary. We have fun, of course. I guess that’s stating the obvious. Funny thing, I never flew with him until recently. He was this fighter test pilot in the Air Force, and that’s just what he did. After he retired, he started flying general aviation aircraft. He would take the kids up on short little local flights, much to their delight, but I just stayed home with whoever wasn’t flying that day.
Then, one day he said he had planned a surprise getaway for us, and that I needed to pack an overnight suitcase. Um. Small airplane? Are you sure you know how to do this? Did I mention that he had been flying fighter aircraft as a test pilot? He had oodles of training and experience. So, I packed my bag and off we went.
When we drive somewhere, I find that I feel like I can offer some sort of help in his driving. You know, “We need to turn left in 3 miles, you might want to get over.” That sort of (non)helpful comment. I was in the airplane with my husband and was speechless. I had nothing to offer. I had no idea what he was doing with all those switches and all those radio calls. Nothing.
And at that moment, my respect for my husband shot up 1000%. This man was flying a basically simple airplane, but had 20 years of experience flying the world’s most complicated and difficult planes. I was in awe. I had never really had a glimpse of what he did. I mean, I’d take the kids to the runway when they were little, and they would wave at Daddy as he taxi’d by in his F15.
But, I didn’t grasp how well trained and capable he was.
Does that sound weird? Our husbands go off to work and do their thing, regardless of what it is, and then come home at night to eat dinner and kiss the kids goodnight. Right? What we don’t see is the respect other men give them at work. And the respect they give to others. We don’t see the battles they fight, the dragons they slay. That day, I felt I had my first aha moment about what he was doing all those years. Maybe I’m slow.
But my estimation of my husband was increased. And I was ashamed that it wasn’t up there all along. But, at least I finally got it.
…and let the wife see that she respects her husband. Eph 5:33
The tricky part is remembering to respect and honor my husband in the daily grind of life. At least he tries to make it easy for me. He’s a good man that way.
Is this something you struggle with also? How do you remember to respect your husband? How do you handle it when you forget? The thing is, we aren’t married to perfect men. The perfect man doesn’t exist in mere mortal men. And, guess what? They aren’t married to perfect wives either. Funny how that is easy to forget as well.

[…] Respect him. I’ve shared this before, but my husband likes to fly me places for special events, like my birthday and our […]