I’m alive. I really am. Just in case anyone was wondering.
Life has been insanely hectic lately. You too?
I was invited to go out to the Men’s Advance in Troy, MO, with Covenant Family Church to spend some time speaking with the wives and daughters who accompanied their husbands/fathers/brothers to the weekend of teaching. It was such a blessed time for me. I brought my oldest daughter, Peyton, with me. It was our first mother/daughter getaway. To a Men’s Advance. Haha… A tad bit ironic. She’s too young to be looking for a husband, and I already have one. Thankfully, we had lots of women and girls to meet and spend time with. We both felt so welcomed and loved.
Then, we came home, and Mike took the family skiing. I tagged along, although I don’t ski. I have a bum leg, and can’t do dangerous, high risk things. And, if you know me at all, you know that anything that takes grace and skill is high-risk for me. I stayed in the lodge and worked while watching the children careen down the mountain. Even Faith gave it a try this year. One so short shouldn’t be doing such crazy things. But, she loved it. She told me she has a new favorite sport. Skiing. Funny. I don’t have a favorite sport. The idea never crossed my mind.
We came home, and then my husband whisked me away to a castle. We spent the weekend away for our church’s annual marriage retreat, which my husband organizes every year. So romantic. We arrived to a snowy winter wonderland {The photo above the post title is the view from the window in our castle room the night we arrived.}. Absolutely loved it. The next day, it was warm, much of the snow melted, and we were able to spend a couple of hours walking outside, sitting on a bench talking, holding hands, learning, growing together. Such a great investment! One of the assignments he gave the group was that we were to talk together and each make a list: something we want the other to stop doing, something we want them to start doing, and something we want them to continue doing. I really struggled to come up with my list, but once I got going, it seemed to flow. He also encouraged that the continue doing list can be 4–5 things to add to the encouragement. We both learned a lot about the other, and what was on our hearts. Things we might not have known before. We laughed, cried, and grew stronger. I highly recommend this exercise. Be open, be honest, and don’t be afraid. Start. Stop. Continue.
Oh! And Faith was invited to participate in a commercial for a local SEO company. She had so much fun. She got to wear a tiara and blow pixie dust. What 7 year old little girl wouldn’t love that? It was right up her alley.
So, that’s been our life around here lately. Busy, full, good. I’d love to hear what you have been up to! Anything fun?

I just added you to my sidebar. I want to keep up… and maybe send a few readers your way.
Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage
Thank you so much, Laura!